#RSS feeds often have categories and tags in their XML.
#RSS feeds often have categories and tags in their XML. Are there any feed readers that use this info? Why not let me browse all my downloaded content by tags?
Don't think I have seen that and also wondering what would be the benefit. By any chance those RSS feeds coming from WordPress? WP can have a feed for almost every single page (migrated away from WP and still stuck with lots of /normal-url/feed/ requests) -
@mboelen Say I subscribe to 20 blogs, and I want to see what all of them are saying about "pizza." If they have tagged some posts "pizza," my reader can know about that, and group all those posts together under that tag in the UI.
I don't mean subscribing to a feed for a category/tag on a given site; I mean subscribing to that site's main firehose feed and then having my reader group content by category/tag.
<category> is an optional sub-element of <item> in RSS: https://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification#ltcategorygtSubelementOfLtitemgt
@mboelen WordPress definitely adds these, and I don't think they're alone. New York Magazine, for instance, is building their own CMS (#ClayCMS), and puts these <category> elements in their RSS feeds: https://feeds.feedburner.com/nymag/vulture
@mboelen Somewhat surprisingly to me, #MovableType does not include categories in their RSS feeds, as demonstrated by @jkottke's feed: http://feeds.kottke.org/main
@URH1 Whoa nice, thanks!