[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
This comic will be a poor fit when people don't conversationally use horseshoe theory to compare the barely-existent US left (who support improvements that would help all demographics but which are somehow considered radical) to the aggressively hateful US right (who is now pretty sure they will get to see their favorite targets hauled away and deported or imprisoned depending on whether you mean brown people or queer folk).
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I guess only people to the right and left are valid. The right is bad, and the left is good. The rest? I guess we don’t count…
Somehow you seem to have misunderstood both actual horseshoe theory and the comic mockery of it.
psst: the center is the part between the two ends. That's what makes it the center.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I blame the two party system in the US. It squishes all ideologies into a simple binary choice, and this bleeds into the political discourse even outside the US and especially online.
In my country we have a communist party which falls squarely in the conservative camp, wanting to return to the "good old days" before the revolution. It also has more support in the rural areas whereas cities trend more towards economic right.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Tell it to what words mean
Wtf? We know where morality comes from.
Uh yeah, that was an analogy specifically referring to another situation where someone has a completely wrong idea about a topic (morality) and feels smug and self-assured when their 'target' doesn't fit within their framework. I wasn't agreeing with my hypothetical fundamentalist--you'd think me calling them a "fundamentalist" would make that kind of obvious, lol.
Another simple example would be people thinking global warming isn't a thing because it's cold somewhere.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
How about you spread information about everything the current administration does wrong to sway the public opinion. There is ton of material already and its been day 1. You jerking off to mass murder is working against your goals of a better society.
When we do that it gets hand-waved away as "TDS" or some equally trite nonsense.
Sorry it came across like that, I was super tired. I think other commenters are right that authoritarianism sucks, whether it’s left or right.
It also sucks when it's centrist. And guess what, your opinions are not less biased than anyone else, you are no more the arbiters of truth or justice than anyone else, you are no more "principled and unbiased" in you approach towards morality ethics and philosophy than anyone else. Don't be so goddamn arrogant.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
In the US, you mean? From the top of my mind, advocating for more market freedom - unrestricted capitalism is a mixed bag generally, but the Biden administration was price-fixing insurance in the wake of California fires, which is a degree of economical illiteracy approaching Soviet Union levels.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
What if the monarchy, with all their power, does nothing alleviate your abysmal working conditions, and indeed profits from your suffering? What if the monarchy responds to your peaceful petition by, say, butchering your procession in the hundreds?
You’re right that no one is an angel or god, no one has perfect knowledge and as such cannot hand out perfect justice. That’s what I am saying, essentially. As soon as people create authoritarian systems, of any kind, they become adherents to one singular way of thinking. That’s the problem.
Yeah, and centrists in the current climate are all supporters of the authoritarian system that is capitalism, and essentially are all adherents to one singular way of thinking.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
As a soda drinker, I'm always surprised by that.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Horseshoe theory posits a wolf in sheeps clothing and a sheep in wolfs clothing are the same thing.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
At no point have I ever seen anyone in a political science class mention horseshoe theory except in the process of explaining that it isn’t a scientific concept that has validity and was the creation of a journalist. There is no evidence that backs the horseshoe theory. A former Marxist is not going to have much in common with theocrats, monarchists, or fascists and is unlikely to move from one to the other.
TL;DR: horseshoe theory isn’t taught in poli sci because its bullshit.
I'm not, but German grid mismanagement is a major contributor to the crisis in our country.
Y'all seriously need to stabilize your grid so that it can handle a bit of unpredictable weather without causing electricity price spikes across the entire European electricity market.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
It is an inversion of it, actually. The sugar starts on the porridge, so the trueness of the Scotsman can't be found.
You're tagged as a Rogan listener on my app
You're not a centrist
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
advocating for more market freedom
Oh hey look, an idiot
I don't even know what you mean I've been tagged as a Rogan listener in your app. I haven't listened to Rogan regularly since before covid and he lost his damn mind. If someone else is slapping labels on me they got that one fuckin wrong lol.
Also I have said several times im not a centrist. I'm a former Democrat that still leans left on most issues, but I can't identify with today's Democrats or the left.