Birth Lottery
From what I understand, before the reddit exodus Lemmy was very concentrated with leftists so we have that as the starting point. Those that left reddit generally were on the left as well as they tend to be the types that have more sensitivity to corporate bullshit so "unfortunately," depending on your perspective, Lemmy will definitely be more concentrated with those on the left than elsewhere.
I think the same thing will happen or already has with Blue sky, and whatever tictoks replacement will be. It's pretty sad to see us pretty much self selecting into echo chambers, but it's our sense of morality that drives us to do it, not really a specific desire to want to be in an echo chamber. I can't stand Musk or Fuckerberg so I actively avoid their platforms, but right wingers tend to flock to places that either are openly hostile to those on the left or at least allow/incentivize hate against the left so we end up separating ourselves. I don't come to Lemmy to be away from right wing content, I do it to avoid "helping" Musk, spez, Fuckerberg.
I definitely value trying to understand opposing opinions as well which is why I never block anyone and thankfully haven't had anyone deserving of it for harassment or whatever.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Who's the dad?
People said the same thing about Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama regarding a third 'term' and beyond. Do you recall what actually happened?
I respect that. I also refuse to block people even I I really don't like them. Only people who spam me or bots ever get blocked. I refuse to silence voices I disagree with because then I'm just bumbling through life completely unaware of an entire perspective which I find unhealthy. Doesn't mean I have to agree with other people's perspectives whatsoever but I am glad that I heard them.
oh man, you're really into that
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
do you think that Trump is more or less ethical than Clinton Bush or Obama?
I don't even understand what you're trying to say with that picture. I do thoroughly enjoy someone deep throating my dick. Are you offering?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
That's a difficult one.
Clinton had a plane downed to keep testimony quiet. Bush had forewarning about 9/11 and chose not to act. He also lied about WMD to invade Iraq. He also purchased the 2000 election with the help of Daddy, Jeb, and Katherine Harris. Obama said the word 'hope' repeatedly, got elected, killed civilians with drone strikes, then accepted a Nobel Peace Prize with a straight face.
Trump is a traitor who committed treason multiple times. He is a lifelong thief, conman, manipulator, sexual assaulter, tax evader, etc.
All of them work with/for the Saudi and Israeli governments
I guess that doesn't really answer your question. I think all of them are completely devoid of ethical behavior. What do you think? Are you expecting a ranked list?
Melania's personal trainer
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
This is gross
ERROR: Earth.exe has crashedreplied to [email protected] last edited by
Or just "oopsie, accidentally left a GPS locator beacon while I was on the Airforce One one day, it'd be a shame if it somehow got leaked to some Iranian general and they tracked it and shot it down ️"
ERROR: Earth.exe has crashedreplied to Majorllama last edited by
Göring has two but very small,
Himmler is rather sim'lar,
But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all.
Honestly I dont like it simply because its just a lazy joke.