[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I saw one of the shows from that tour too except Billy Joel was like just absolutely wasted drunk and kept falling off his piano stool and couldn't remember the lyrics. He even tossed the bench of the stage at one point and a stage hand had to run out another chair for him.
He kept playing the piano the whole time basically perfectly though which was absolutely wild.
Why do we need to shorten a two syllable word?
My knees hurt.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Funny you should say that. Near the end of WSB's 1953 novel "Junkie", IIRC, the main protagonist complains that he doesn't understand the slang of the new generation anymore. For example their use of "that stinks!"
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
What's based? Sorry I'm washed.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Based in reality, I think.
And if anyone is wondering, riz is charisma.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Ah yes I got this. Bro over here in the kitchen checks notes cooking! Wait no, he's cooked? Cooked what? And who's going to do the dishes? People have no respect these days, back when I was a kid you wouldn...................
There was a joke about it in 30 Rock, where a teenager tells Liz her boyfriend is "totally washed" and she's like, "typical", while secretly looking up the word on the in-show equivalent of Urban Dictionary.
Sounds like she was streets behind.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Based actually comes from freebased. Which is what you do to cocaine to make it crack.
Based used to mean something cringe worthy until the rapper Lil B started using it in a positive context.
Now it's sort of the opposite of cringe.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Everything has to be shorter, because gnat-like attention spans.
Here's a fun little curiosity that profoundly annoys me: here in Brazil "cringe" accidentally got the wrong meaning. It was being heavily used online, so a famous TV news program decided to "explain what it means" to the older generation and accidentally explained it as "cringe means everything older generations are or do" so in other words, a lot of brazilians that aren't used to internet slang believe "cringe" means "somebody over 30" rather than actual cringe.
just wait until you hear about people saying “comp sci” or worse, “poli sci”. if you are so pressed for time that you can’t afford to say all the syllables in “computer science” you can use an acronym. i will still be upset about the acronym, but i can live with it
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Ahh okay ...opposite of cringe. That makes it easy to remember.
This sounds like brainwashed. I'm not saying that's what they meant, but the context you provided makes it sound like that.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I'm so old I remember a time when sci-fi fans were offended by the term "sci-fi", preferring "SF".
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Nine Inch Nails made Johnny Cash popular again when he covered "Hurt". Now Trent Reznor is older than Johnny Cash was when he covered "Hurt".
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I remember a huge rumbling when the Sci-fi channel changed its name to SyFy. Neither word even has Y's!!
I'm gonna go sit on the bench with the other's while I rub my knees.
older generations
Ex freaking scuse me?
Brother I'd join you in complaining about this, but let's be honest, our lower back and knees do not lie
Ziglin (they/them)replied to [email protected] last edited by
Those examples are abbreviations, not acronyms. Acronyms use initial letters (though people have gotten lazy with that to get nice sounding acronyms), whereas abbreviations are a category containing shortened words and also acronyms.
I would also like to note that the 'poli' in 'poli sci' is way too close to the prefix 'poly' to not cause confusion. This is just one example of an abbreviation causing confusion among those not yet aware of the meaning. That's why when addressing a general audience I avoid them or in longer conversations introduce them first.