What is the best/cheapest option for static site hosting of a #faircamp site?
Simon Greenwood with all spiders and thatreplied to Lime Bar last edited by
@limebar I'd say the only problem with Github Pages for a Faircamp is that it can be a lot of binary data (mine's about 3GB all ready) and it changes every time it's updated. I've just been rsyncing to my hosted VPS but I'm going to give that a go with my Forgejo server and report back.
Stefan Bohacekreplied to Simon Greenwood with all spiders and that last edited by
"rsyncing to my hosted VPS but I'm going to give that a go with my Forgejo server"
There has got to be an easier way.
Hi @freebliss, am I correct that your project is not available on GitHub? Would you be interested in creating a copy repo over there?
Stefan Bohacekreplied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
@simon @limebar @freebliss I wanted to look into what it would take to get Faircamp to work on https://glitch.com, which lets you import repos directly from GitHub. (There is an open feature request to allow non-GitHub sources, but no updates on that yet.)
Simon Greenwood with all spiders and thatreplied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
Is it a requirement for Glitch that the site generator source code needs to be on Github? It should be possible to make an action to build a site if it has a CI system but it would depend on how much control there is of that.
@limebar @freebliss -
Stefan Bohacekreplied to Simon Greenwood with all spiders and that last edited by
@simon @limebar @freebliss Right, I'm sure there is a roundabout way to get this to work.
I was mainly thinking about something that would work for less technical people.
With Glitch, I can create a URL that "remixes" a project, pulling the source code directly from GitHub.
It would be pretty neat to set up the project so that a minimum amount of "coding" was needed.
Stefan Bohacekreplied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
@simon @limebar @freebliss See, as an example of what I have in mind, my older project that lets you set up a basic image gallery, all you need is to drag your files to get started.
@stefan Hey, that's correct! I'm not militantly against it and technically it's of course in everyone's right (AGPL) to mirror it there, but generally I'm really quite happy that it's off GitHub entirely. I'm seeing many people sign up to codeberg just to fav the repo or post an issue, and I'm super happy that it creates organic traction away from the Microsoft galaxy. My fear is a bit that people will just stop right there if they see anything even vaguely resembling an official presence of faircamp on GitHub. Or worse, that Microsoft's SEO presence makes the mirror repo overshadow the codeberg repo in searches, that would be painful.
That all said, to be a bit more constructive: I'm happy to leave a friendly message in the glitch issue for non-github repo support if you point me to it, maybe it helps accelerate their plans? Or otherwise if you're absolutely set on the GitHub repo plan, I'd be most comfortable with it if it's actually as far as possible away from me personally xD (to not make it seem official) and that it's then as obfuscated as possible to not overshadow search results or, again, look like an official repo by accident. (e.g. not even including faircamp in the title, "glitchcamp", "frcmp-glitch" ? ... :D)
@freebliss Thank you for the reply!
This is the feature request: https://support.glitch.com/t/alternative-scm-providers-codeberg-etc-with-glitch/66389
There is also https://support.glitch.com/t/using-git-to-import-repo-not-github/2059/8, which suggests that a workaround exists, but this seems a bit more involved, and not as user-friendly as a more direct support.
But going back to another reply in this thread claiming that "Faircamp [...] can be a lot of binary data" this might be a problem, if accurate.
See the "Container Space" section here: https://help.glitch.com/hc/en-us/articles/16287495313293-Technical-Restrictions#Container%20Space
Stefan Bohacekreplied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
@freebliss I'm sure you have plenty on your plate, but "glitchcamp", a separate, minimal, Glitch-optimized version of your project would be pretty cool
@stefan Thanks for the detailed info and links! o/
Oof yes with a 200MB limit in the container one doesn't get very far at all unforunately x), right now each track is at least MP3+Opus encoded for streaming, which already makes some 5MB or so for an average, shorter track. Add to that downloads in a single, higher quality format and the ceiling might be reached with one release already.
Maybe, as you say, glitchcamp then eventually, which transcodes everything to .midi files or so, for exquisite lo-fi enjoyment
@freebliss Hah, there's an idea!
You could also maybe take advantage of the assets folder, it would just require a bit more work -- happy to share some technical details if you ever want to take a more serious look at this.
Either way, thank you so much for all your work on Faircamp, it's really amazing!