my cat was so mad about being made to go to the vet that she tried to rip apart the bag from the INSIDE like a hulk
my cat was so mad about being made to go to the vet that she tried to rip apart the bag from the INSIDE like a hulk
one time she was returned with a note on the receipt, '$0: patient declined service'
she has always had a BIG personality
Granny Art (Shrimp) (Joni)replied to Adrianna Tan last edited by
@skinnylatte amazing story!
Adrianna Tanreplied to Granny Art (Shrimp) (Joni) last edited by
@artcollisions her rage mode is pretty intense sometimes, haha
Bomkattreplied to Granny Art (Shrimp) (Joni) last edited by
@artcollisions @skinnylatte we have the dubious honor of escorting a cat who can shred reinforced vet gloves. She has notes in her chart as the “Ill-tempered calico”
They sedate her before opening the crate.
@bomkatt @artcollisions oh man. ours is a tortie. i think torties and calicos have such personalities.
our vet notes for her contain gems like, 'excessive subcutaneous fat' (she is chonky)
@skinnylatte Minion, our fluffiest and most anxious cat, managed to chew a hole in his carrier and escape… in the <5 minutes it took to get one of the other cats into their carrier!
Ciggy Bringer of Smokereplied to Adrianna Tan last edited by
@skinnylatte @bomkatt @artcollisions
Hey, we have an old tortie gal and she hates the vet and always has and is otherwise full of sweet personality. But yeah, that carrier and that 2 block walk are nothing but yowls and growls, and the visits go even worse.
We've been asked to drug the cat before visits and she cheeks the damn things!
@skinnylatte @bomkatt @artcollisions I had a tortie who had to be anesthetized (they put her carrier in a giant plastic bag and pumped gas into it to knock her out) before she could be examined. Needless to say, she rarely went to the vet--and they were the ones who rescued her and talked me into adopting her. I adored her, but she was fierce.
Adrianna Tanreplied to Ciggy Bringer of Smoke last edited by
@ciggysmokebringer @bomkatt @artcollisions we can’t talk about our cats without sharing them
@LPerry2 @bomkatt @artcollisions oh wow!!
Our tortie likes one vet and only him. So she screams and yowls but doesn’t do anything. Just complains.
@dan oh no