Lately I get a much higher frequency of harassment for being transgender in Germany than it used to be the case.
Lately I get a much higher frequency of harassment for being transgender in Germany than it used to be the case. However, the harassment only gets aggressive once they notice my antifascist symbols. If you're white, the worst attacks you get in Germany right now is for being visibly against Nazis. I only ever got death threats, filmed to be shared as a target, or physically assaulted for antifascism.
(This is also legible in the graffiti wars: in my decade here I've never seen so many Nazi defacements and propaganda. Anti-nazi symbols are defaced and erased with an urgent fury I've never seen before.)
Therefore it is a moral imperative for every German to be outside being visibly against Nazis. If your antifa pin or "refugees welcome" T-shirt attracts Nazi harassment, it's your moral imperative to retaliate.
"I'm weak" "I'm depressed" "I'm conflict-averse" you know in your heart that I'm right. This isn't a worst-case scenario for the future, it's right now. Heed the call of history and repair the ancestral sin, or keep your head low in first-world privilege and enable Nazism. Any judgement I may have about you is nothing compared to what you'll have to face looking at the mirror at night.