This is fun! And I’m slowly beginning to understand what I’m doing here…
This is fun! And I’m slowly beginning to understand what I’m doing here…
(And it doesn’t look like overkill at all, right?)
RX De-click is adding A LOT of latency, though…
Matthias Ottreplied to Matthias Ott last edited by [email protected]
Also, I’m probably still treating the signal a bit too hard here and there. It just takes time to hear the subtle differences and find the right balance between an audible improvement and making it too obvious. It’s all about contrast. There are so many parallels to design…
And in case you’re wondering: I’m dabbling around with my vocal / voice over chain for audio recordings. So no music production but only a human narrator with a slightly nasally voice, mouth smacking sounds, and harsh German sibilance in a boxy little room.
@matthiasott it has a low latency mode, maybe that helps.
@matthiasott not sure what I'm seeing but this looks dope
@nicolaschevobbe not sure what I’m doing but this looks dope
@Tijn Yes, that works better! And once I’ve dialed everything in, I can also try switching it back to one of the other algorithms. It’s just harder to track what’s happening when the meters and graphs are out of sync with what I’m hearing…
@matthiasott Add an autotune! *scnr*