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Tiera Tanksley published a paper pushing back on the 'only low AI literacy students fear AI' narrative that we are starting to see / hear. She worked with Black highschoolers focusing on data ethics.
"That is, they went from "I'm terrified of AI becoming sentient and killing us" to "I no longer think AI is sentient, but I'm very concerned that these technologies are doing irreparable harm to people and to the environment."
Direct quotes from her LinkedIn post about this work:
@skinnylatte I’m terrified that AI will be used to ethically launder killing us
@skinnylatte the dangers I worry about almost all boil down to the gap between what actually existing "AI" can do, and what people think it can do. People ranging from children to venture capitalists. LLMs seem to have a powerful ability to generate misplaced trust.
@skinnylatte My wife had an interesting observation along those lines, which is that managers and investors seem to see AI as a tool to give cheap junior employees the productive power of more senior ones; but really junior workers are the ones least equipped with the judgment to see whether the AI is leading them down a wrong path. What they need is something the AI doesn't have.
@mattmcirvin yes, and I am personally most wary of LLM for low end productivity gains. The motivations for doing that is of course to replace or cheapen labor, and at this point I really doubt the tech will be good enough even for that. But capitalists won’t care