Excited to attend my first PhD defence at TU Delft: Daniël Vos will be defending his thesis "Decision Tree Learning: Algorithms for Robust Prediction and Policy Optimization", containing work he did under supervision of Prof.
Excited to attend my first PhD defence at TU Delft: Daniël Vos will be defending his thesis "Decision Tree Learning: Algorithms for Robust Prediction and Policy Optimization", containing work he did under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. R.L. Lagendijk and Dr. Ir. Sicco Verwer.
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Hora Est! Now waiting for the committee to finish their deliberations.
Was pleased with how many questions were related to the propositions! The candidate was questioned on propositions 6, 7, 8 and 10.
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@anna Fascinating. I'm trying to imagine how anyone would argue against 8, 9, or 10. Seven also seems correct to me, and especially important. Yet 6 strikes me as dubious.