"Trump was the candidate of backlash, and will once again be the president of backlash.
"Trump was the candidate of backlash, and will once again be the president of backlash. ...
You have watched the world shift around you, feeling more angry and alienated by the day, but now Trump will give you back what was taken from you by the tectonic motions of social change."
~ Paul Waldman
#Trump #backlash #racism #misogyny #heterosexism #MaleEntitlement #WhiteChristianNationalism
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"Or if he can’t give it back to you, if nothing else he can make those who took it from you feel some pain. The backlash will be your new reality, and it will be its own reward."
If "they" get rights, that means I'm losing rights, no? If women and Black people attain rights, then I lose rights as a white male, doesn't it? It means I'm under attack as a white male….
The underlying logic of MAGA….
#Trump #backlash #racism #misogyny #heterosexism #MaleEntitlement #WhiteChristianNationalism
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Trumpo will keep one of his campaign promises: I will hate who you hate...(as long as I make money from it) -
FallsMom 🟦 🌻replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
Idea I read about in the book "The Sum of Us," by Heather McGhee, recommended
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"This Trump-led effort to do nothing less than remake America as a totalitarian nation was not created overnight; it was the culmination of years (decades even) of steady effort, not just from the rich and powerful but also from many people who aren’t famous or wealthy or even particularly influential but have pushed for the dominance of their own gender or religion or race, and for the subjugation of others."
~ Jill Filipovic
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"You don’t get a man like Trump in power without the consent — the enthusiasm — of a lot of 'average' people. And you don’t temper his worst efforts, or get him out, without the concentrated work of the rest of us."
#Trump #backlash #racism #misogyny #heterosexism #MaleEntitlement #WhiteChristianNationalism
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William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"It is in his executive order concerning birthright citizenship that Trump most clearly demonstrated his determination for white men to dominate the United States, and for Trump to dominate those men."
~ Heather Cox Richardson
#Trump #backlash #racism #misogyny #heterosexism #MaleEntitlement #WhiteChristianNationalism
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William Lindsey :toad:replied to FallsMom 🟦 🌻 last edited by
@FallsMom I haven't read it, and appreciate the recommendation. I'll add it to my list!
@yuhasz01 Yes, indeed.
James Wellsreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
While I don't agree with them, from their perspective they are right. They are no longer able to oppress women and minorities, they are no longer able to force you to follow their skewed religious beliefs. So if you gain the rights to be protected from these things, then they lose the rights to use them against you. -
William Lindsey :toad:replied to James Wells last edited by
@nikatjef But in fact, they are at liberty even now to oppress women and minorities, and they have enormous power to shove their religious beliefs down everyone else's throats.
divVerentreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@[email protected] But that's not how rights work. Shouldn't Republicans know very well that them having guns via the Second Amendment doesn't mean others can't have any?
(It can drive up the prices by market forces, but that's only if supply becomes constraining, which isn't really happening) -
William Lindsey :toad:replied to divVerent last edited by
@divVerent As my final statement above says, I'm describing how MAGA folks want to pretend how rights work — not how rights actually work. This is not a zero-sum game, though they want to pretend that it is.