In Greenland and Canada, MAGA is now an abbreviation for “Make America Go Away!”
In Greenland and Canada, MAGA is now an abbreviation for “Make America Go Away!”
Ángela Stella Matutinareplied to Randahl Fink last edited by
And force them to use "Assholica" to refer to themselves. "America" is the whole goddamn continent, I live in fucking South America!
CharlieActualreplied to Ángela Stella Matutina last edited by
@angelastella @randahl I'm on board with this.
Ángela Stella Matutinareplied to CharlieActual last edited by
This is low effort but WTH:
Ángela Stella Matutina (@[email protected])
Attached: 1 image Assholica.
Treehouse Mastodon (
Tofu Golemreplied to Ángela Stella Matutina last edited by
@angelastella @CharlieActual @randahl
We have this name for pretty much the same reason you call it the EU even though it does not include all European nations. -
@tofugolem @angelastella @CharlieActual @randahl
Well, you're analogy is wrong. You calling your country 'America', is like if we would call our union 'Europe'.
We don't. EU is exactly the same semantically as USA (or even US). -
@jnahorny @angelastella @CharlieActual @randahl
You call it the European Union despite the fact that it only includes part of Europe. -
@tofugolem @jnahorny @angelastella @randahl I hear they work-shopped "Union of a lot of, but not all of the countries of Europe" but the acronym was too hard to paint on stuff. Meanwhile nobody refers to the the EU as "Europe" in casual conversation. People do refer to The United States of America as "America." Doesn't bother me, but ... privilege - If I lived in south America, I'd be moderately annoyed if those nosey polluting idiots up north kept insisting they are America.
tactical lesbo action elilla&replied to CharlieActual last edited by
@CharlieActual @angelastella I am an American from Brazil and I am irritated all the time about how USA folk appropriated the name of the continent. My feelings about this are widely shared among most Americans, including the best part of North America (Mexico)
tactical lesbo action elilla&replied to tactical lesbo action elilla& last edited by
@CharlieActual @angelastella We are also irritated at how Europeans did five centuries of unpunished, unacknowledged and to this day unrepaired crimes against humanity in our land, enslaving, raping and killing 90%+ of the natives to rob all their land and riches and got wealthy in the process, burying local cultures to the point where I can't even tell if my great-grandma was Guarani or Jê, while forcing us to become Christians and speak Spanish and French and Portuguese and implement Senates and Parliaments under Roman law and go to Austrian-style schools to study Pitagoras and Aristotle, Aquinas and Hobbes, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and all other boring dead white men forced down our throats until we memorise all of them and make them the structure of our social and mental lives—
only to exclude us from "The West" whenever they talk of "Western culture".