If you love #Pixelfed as much as I do, you’ll love this Surf feed.
If you love #Pixelfed as much as I do, you’ll love this Surf feed. It’s a great way to discover new photographers to follow there. Adding more all the time.
My Favorite Pixelfed People
https://surf.social/feed/surf%2Fcustom%2F01j60e9g7q0kvq416kgaf3kbr5 -
@mike Mike! Thank you for the honor of including me in this Surf feed 🥰 day = made
@_elena Can't wait to see more of your photos!
@sturmsucht yes! And what a beautiful photo it is. Where was it taken?
We pull the photo from the latest post from the feed when these links are generated. Note to self: we need to credit the photographer here.
@mike It's on the Faroe Islands
@sturmsucht Wow. I've always wanted to go there. Your photos are amazing.
@mike I do photo tours there. If you want to join ...
@mike The feed is "My favorite Pixelfed people" but the beta signup knows only Mastodon, Bluesky and...Threads. Just saying.
Mike McCuetopic:replied-to-user-ago, https://mastodon.social/users/mnf/statuses/113848954713141717, /post/https%3A%2F%2Fmastodon.social%2Fusers%2Fmnf%2Fstatuses%2F113848954713141717, ^[[200~Michael, /post/https%3A%2F%2Fflipboard.social%2Fusers%2Fmike%2Fstatuses%2F113848968752861023, 2025-01-18T10:49:59.000Z]] last edited by
@mnf Well good point.
@sturmsucht oh man. That would be amazing. It's now on my bucket list!
@mike can I view this feed without waiting for my beta application to go through?
@andrewg not yet. Fortunately there’s another large batch of mastodon invites going out this weekend.
@mike Check out your featured feed in the Cool #SurfFeeds section in the app!