It’s funny: #WordPress powers about 40% of the internet but in the #fediverse it is still the underdog ️
replied to Matthias Pfefferle on last edited by
@pfefferle care to expand, sir?
replied to L the Girl in Black on last edited by
@girlinblack good point! Thanks for your feedback!
replied to Matthias Pfefferle on last edited by
@pfefferle Honestly, 80%+ of my problems with the federation as it appears in would be solved if the plugin respected the "read more" element in wordpress and replaced the rest of the post with a link. It's fine with shorter posts, but it does not work for my particular use case.
replied to Matthias Pfefferle on last edited by
@pfefferle Should #WordPress should consider making #ActivityPub a core feature‽ (similar to what #WriteFreely & #MicroBlog have done)
replied to Darnell Clayton :verified: on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to Matthias Pfefferle on last edited by
@pfefferle @girlinblack exactly the reason I stopped federating my WordPressDotCom blog.
Most annoying was realizing that images didn't appear where they should in the federated post, but image captions did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
replied to L the Girl in Black on last edited by
@girlinblack @pfefferle
Yes! This would be the killer feature for me. Masto in particular is bad at reading long-form posts and WP's auto excerpt isn't very good, but if we federated up to the Read More cut that would do exactly what most of us want. -
replied to Guest on last edited by
@silvermoon82 @girlinblack I also implemented a more intelligent mechanism, that tries to detect the best matching object type and adds the excerpt as summary to the ActivityPub object for longer articles. Mastodon then shows this instead of the full post.
...but we have not yet set this the default for
But: I hear you!
replied to Jen T 🇮🇱 🎗️ on last edited by
@wpcommaven @girlinblack but this is not really a WordPress problem or is it?
replied to Matthias Pfefferle on last edited by
@pfefferle @silvermoon82 Thank you, I really appreciate your efforts with the plugin.
replied to Matthias Pfefferle on last edited by
@pfefferle knowing the origin of the issue hopefully will help to get it resolved. And thank you for all your hard work on this. ️
Regardless, until there is more granular control over how federated blog posts appear here, I've removed my WPcom site connection for now.