Anyone remember blipverts from the original Max Headroom drama?
Anyone remember blipverts from the original Max Headroom drama? I see some people flipping through content on their phones some days at an alarming rate (if these were blioverts they'd explode) and it's really an attention defecit fix. #smartphones #blipverts
@emsquared I can’t be doing with that weird no gaps in rapidly speaking shit that people do in videos without taking any breath because it’s all been unnaturally edited together into one massively long sentence. Phew.
@bobthomson70 I'll admit one of the current trends on some funny videos is foreshadowing where flashes of the impeded disaster flash up constantly as the setup is taking place. Good ones amuse me no end.
@bobthomson70 But yeah this swipe type video feed is worrying stuff.
@emsquared happy to have not seen that Not mad about videos generally tbh