It's great to see so much energy in this space right now.
It's great to see so much energy in this space right now. Thank you for posting this. You all are awesome.
I want to align all/many/most of these ideas into our existing roadmap. It's all doable, and I think we're already pretty close.
I'm hoping to get caught up over this weekend. When I am, I'll try to post a long-form reply, because all these ideas are so much bigger than the 500 characters Mastodon gives me
replied to Ben Pate 🤘🏻 last edited by
@benpate @mixtape @meljoann @keefmarshall @mizkirsten I just want to say that I'm 100% on board with this conversation, and I'm in agreement with pretty much everything that I've seen.
A little piece that I'd like to add: I think musicians who choose not to participate in the musical economy should be considered as seriously as those who do. Meaning, just because I choose not to charge money for my music does not mean that I'm "devaluing" it. There are other ways to value art.
replied to Alison Wilder last edited by
100% yes. Money is awesome. I love money. But it’s not validation.
Can you suggest anything that I can do from a technical standpoint to help reinforce this?
replied to Ben Pate 🤘🏻 last edited by
@benpate @mixtape @meljoann @keefmarshall @mizkirsten That's a great question. Let me think on it.
Related question: are bandcamp supporters only people who have purchased a track or an album, or are they people who have downloaded it if it's offered for free? If the latter, I think that's a pretty positive move that puts the decision in the musician's hands as to what constitutes "support" for them.
replied to Alison Wilder last edited by [email protected]
great question, and one I can’t answer. I’m spending very little time in Bandcamp, these days.
But it’s an excellent point - allow people to express their support and interest in an artist or album in a way that has nothing to do with paying money.
I’ll try to figure out how we do this.
replied to Ben Pate 🤘🏻 last edited by
@benpate @alisynthesis @mixtape @meljoann @mizkirsten
on the Fediverse, support could be a like or a boost...
replied to keef last edited by
@keefmarshall @benpate @mixtape @meljoann @mizkirsten totally. The game really changes when things are integrated by activitypub.
replied to keef last edited by
Yes. So for albums it’s pretty straightforward. Show “likes” publicly. Lots of platforms do this.
For artist profiles, it’s a bit trickier. We (kinda) use “follows” for this, but it’s not an exact match. We might just try this as a proxy, but I feel like there’s a better solution.
The wider Fediverse needs this, anyway. Can I “endorse” someone separate from following them? It opens up lots of possibilities.
replied to Alison Wilder last edited by
@keefmarshall @benpate @mixtape @meljoann @mizkirsten I guess the way I feel most supported personally is when someone says something meaningful about something I've made. It's so easy to feel like we're making things that don't connect to other human beings and proof that that's not true feels absolutely amazing and gives me a lot of inspiration to keep creating things.
This is the only reason I put things on YouTube: because I do get some of that feedback from people.
replied to Alison Wilder last edited by
Yes. So much better than clicking a little star or heart.
I’ve heard the exact same thing from the graphic artist world, too.
Clearly we can do better than simply copying Xitter’s for-profit engagement machine.