Today Mastodon is taking another step towards its founding ideals: independence and non-profit ownership.
@andypiper @richlv @Mastodon Are you saying that you're not going to disclose whether a trademark license is part of the deal, and if it is, its terms? A secret license is in large part what facilitated Mullenweg's behavior
Questions for Mastodon:
Will there be a trademark license from the Mastodon non-profit to Mastodon GmbH?
If so, what will be the terms of the license?
Why are you not assigning the domain names to the non-profit entity?
Why will there still be a for-profit company?
Who will be the officers and Board members of the two entities? -
@Mastodon Great & appreciated Mastodon team
@pchestek @richlv @Mastodon the board and officers will be announced as part of this process. The trademark questions will be resolved (transparently) as part of this process. The GmbH currently has employees so continues to exist to cover them. This is a transition and your questions are valid and useful, but I don’t have answers at this stage as the end state is not fully set (the blog post states we are looking into the correct jurisdictions etc). Thanks!
@Mastodon nice
This post is deleted!
@Mastodon It would be great, if there was a Patreon tier between 1 and 8 Dollars/Euros. Maybe 4?
nZ4Sqk9OJ0T4GNd729JZkpjQvv3erIreplied to Mastodon last edited by
@Mastodon send me your books in easy to read PDF
@Mastodon what your are describing sounds a lot like steward-ownership!
Is this something you would/could consider? Resp. what you were looking for? -
@Mastodon répond lache