"Right-wing strategist Steve Bannon, who once pledged to make the world 'as exciting as the 1930s,' promotes the ideas of the Italian Traditionalist Julius Evola, who wrote: 'We would like a more radical, more intrepid Fascism, a really absolute Fascis...
Estarriol, Cat owned Dragonreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy @Dave_Goldsmith even more succinctly, everybody is a sucker except him.....
Laloofah 🌊💙🌊replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy I was referring to how I think most of us are in our current circumstances. When society breaks down & chaos reigns, I agree; most of us really don’t know how we’d respond to alien situations & experiences.
I 1st saw Milgram’s Obedience to Authority film in a college psych class, & it horrified us all, as it does most people. But I learned later the experiment isn’t free of controversy. I think you’ll find this interesting, if you’ve not read it (or similar):
https://www.npr.org/2013/08/28/209559002/taking-a-closer-look-at-milgrams-shocking-obedience-study -
Jon Het.replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy MAGA is not the only anti-democratic movement. They are roughly 50% of the movement away from democratic rule. They are just the loud stupid 1/2.
The other 1/2 is far more subtle. The half that doesn't want primaries, wants candidates picked by the party leaders, resuses to enact laws that the majority of Americans want, etc. These are also people who don't want democracy.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Jon Het. last edited by
@Jon_Kramer I see no daylight between the puppet-masters you're describing here and MAGA.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Laloofah 🌊💙🌊 last edited by
@Laloofah Thank you very much for the link. I'll read with interest. Have you seen the film "Experimenter" telling Milgram's story and starring Peter Sarsgaard and Winona Ryder? I thought it was really great.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Estarriol last edited by
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Matthias Krämer last edited by
@Kraemer_HB "What I can't wrap my head around is religious Christians doing such oplenly blasphemous things."
And, yet, in the American context, there is a very long history of distorting and warping Christianity to rob it of its teachings critical of injustice and calling for solidarity with the poor. Christian leaders who defended slavery invented a peculiar form of Christianity to justify that immoral practice, and their thinking remains alive in the MAGA movement today.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Dave Goldsmith last edited by
@Dave_Goldsmith Yes, he did.
Laloofah 🌊💙🌊replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy You’re very welcome! And no, I not only haven’t seen that film, I’d never heard of it! So thank you for bringing it to my attention — I will be looking for it.
Matthias Krämerreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy Is this invention of Christianity to justify slavery connected with Calvinism? I'm from a Calvinist region of Germany, and I often acknowledge US Evangelical thoughts that seem familiar.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Matthias Krämer last edited by
@Kraemer_HB Calvinist theologians, as in Presbyterian divines at Princeton University, did play a major role in establishing that pro-slavery reading of the bible for the South.
Matthias Krämerreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy Thank you! I read "Great Awakening" in Wikipedia and come from there to "Pietism" (that was strong in my home region) and the "Charismatic movement" that sure had some influence on Trumps performance. One could say he is speaking in tongues these days when his followers believe he has something profound to say, and all other people find him rambling incoherently. The complex religious history of the US is very interesting for its influence on todays political phenomena.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Matthias Krämer last edited by
@Kraemer_HB Yes, and in the US, a very rigid and retrogressive form of Calvinism is now ascendant in many quarters, pushed hard by a group who have been called the TheoBros, whose influence in evangelicalism in general is increasingly significant.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Laloofah 🌊💙🌊 last edited by
@Laloofah I think we watched it on Pay Per View, so that might be one place to find it if you have access to PPV (we no longer do, but find lots of good movies for free at both Tubi and Kanopy, the latter via our local library system).