5K+ Android downloads so far!
5K+ Android downloads so far! 🥳
Un Bourguignon 🇪🇺🇺🇦 :firedoge:replied to Daniel Supernault last edited by
Any ETA for the availability in F-Droid ? -
@dansup 🥳🥳!
Juan Daniel Peréz Ángelreplied to Daniel Supernault last edited by
@dansup hoy mismo lo descargué e hice mi perfil para abandonar Instagram y facebook.
greencactusreplied to Daniel Supernault last edited by [email protected]
@dansup The app looks amazing! It has been some time since I used the app last time. You and the other contributors really did a great job here! The UI is clean and minimalistic (something I deeply appreciate), and the usage is extremely simple and "on the point". Fantastic job! I also really appreciate that it has a distinct Instagram-inspired style, but you've not just copied it, but edited and expanded it into something new (and IMO better).
Prasanna Venkadesh | பிரசன்னாreplied to Daniel Supernault last edited by
@dansup I am unable to Login to pixelfed.social account through Pixelfed app. The version check prevents the app from proceeding further. Any fix available?