Wants to read an interesting news article
Wants to read an interesting news article
Clicks the link
"Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker"
Was reminded what a great article this is:
Building a robust frontend using progressive enhancement - Service Manual - GOV.UK GOV.UK
How to build web pages so they work in HTML first: starting with HTML, extra styles and features, using JavaScript.
#html #css #JavaScript #frontend #WebDev #accessibility #a11y
@stvfrnzl The last time I read "this site doesn't support adblockers" I disabled the ad blocker itself and advertisements were all moving, not letting my screen reader detect the content. I contacted them saying "ad blocker is necessary for my disability, give me a paypal/patreon/stuff to support you anyways" and the answer was... "we are not here at your service, we use ads". And I told them "OK perfect. You can have gold but keep it for yourself as I'm stepping on shit."
@talksina wow, what a shit show
@stvfrnzl It was really a mess, literally 3 lines and one ad, then other 2 lines and an external newsletter, then another block of text and the chat, then text and ads, conclusion and ads again! With a modal appearing every now and then, with the daily promo! And the text was full of keyword stuffing - you know what I'm talking about? Definitely