I’m so tired of this shit… why?!
I’m so tired of this shit… why?! I was literally playing this 15 minutes ago just fine. #AppleMusic
@marioguzman all I want for you is to be able to listen to your music when you want. How do I convince you to get the fuck out of Apple’s services and go with something less DRMy?
@octothorpe @marioguzman like what? What apps are there that support both streaming and play-from-disk (and that supports album) for macOS?
NB: I have zero bought mp3. Everything I own (3.5tb) is DRM free and in ALAC.
@woolie @marioguzman Roon, Plex… there are others that I am less familiar with.
@octothorpe @marioguzman plex is really not good as a music player. It is also a webapp. Roon, I’ve had no luck with getting it to play local music using album shuffle. You recommend Roon? If so, I should go try it again.
@woolie @marioguzman I think Qobuz also will play local files as well with their streaming service. They sell DRM free FLACs, but I don’t think they will stream your local files over the internet (like Roon or Plex Audio).
@woolie @marioguzman Yeah, I’ve owned roon for years now. I really love it. It is however, overkill for a lot of folk.
@woolie @octothorpe @marioguzman (I think there's an "album shuffle" plug-in using their API, too.
@dnanian @woolie @marioguzman ah. I was going to look into the notion of album shuffle as that isn’t a thing I do.