Rep. Nancy Pelosi [D-CA11] may be missing. She missed 24 of 31 roll call votes (77%) since 12/16/24. ️
@GovTrack Really? Can we please avoid speculative remarks like "missing" without further exploration? Especially after the recent case in Texas? Let's confirm whether she's sick, or on official business, or handling other matters? She does have a press representative and communications director.
@GovTrack you do know she had hip replacement surgery in December? ️
@thatmags Which we say on the page. The posts are intended to be alerts; at least as much for us as for our users.
@FaithinBones Well why not click the link and see.
@FaithinBones @GovTrack Thank you for the update. It's better to confirm or question vs. leave vague, especially when public statements have been made.
@thatmags @FaithinBones It actually says if you follow the link. No speculation necessary.
@GovTrack love to see both my senators on the list
@Laukidh Padilla & Schiff have been back - as our list shows; but they were out last week, presumably for reasons related to the wildfires.
@GovTrack because the ‘May be missing’ was misleading and I won’t open links like that