Got around to adding a proper, old-school blogroll onto my site.
Got around to adding a proper, old-school blogroll onto my site. Hadn't realised that WordPress had the functionality to do it and fetch the latest posts via RSS built-in. Wasted so much time looking for a decent plugin to do this.
Nice. And thank you for including my blog.
I must have a look at whether I can do something similar, with the inclusion of latest posts, on an otherwise static-html site. -
I've followed most of those sites on's reader for a while but it's a horrible interface and I keep forgetting they're there, whereas I'm forever tinkering or writing on my site so it's easier for me to keep up with others who write regularly too.
I suspect you will be out of luck on a static site and it's likely not worth the effort of a workaround without defeating the purpose of a static site in the first place.
this way of pulling an RSS feed into an embed looks like it might work...
It'd mean relying on a (apparently free) 3rd party service, but beggars can't be choosers, I guess. -
\ˈthē-ˈˈärd-ˌvärk\replied to \ˈthē-ˈˈärd-ˌvärk\ last edited by
Oh, btw... are you familiar with The Barefoot Backpacker's travel blog?
They are a former Birmingham based Twitter bod that I met through mutual online friends. -
I used to follow the account on Twitter from my travel account (I used to follow a lot of accounts on Twitter, of course) but didn't make a note of them all when I decided to delete the account.