@benpate Some very random feedback:
replied to Ben Pate π€π» last edited by
@benpate Re: event name, it's a interesting one. Might be worth looking at bandsintown or songkick for inspiration, but it's worth calling out the Festival name, or indicate who you are playing with because they are additional hooks to getting people interested. I suspect for Big Bands, the dates and location is all that's interesting, but for littler ones, other stuff bubbles up that is needed to get people looking.
replied to delanthear last edited by
5) Event dates are incredibly dumb. They're just text, for now, though I do have an task listed in Github to fix this.
6) The home page is manual, based on what you "Featureβ, so you'd need to remove past events manually. Do you think we should make a real, working calendar, that automatically updates?
7) I'll take another look at layouts for events and news items. Perhaps they need a completely different UI on the home page.
replied to Ben Pate π€π» last edited by
@benpate If you click on of the hash tags on our front page, it goes to the search with %23 in the url. That doesn't work though; you have to change the %23 into a # in the url for the results to come. It's a bug
replied to delanthear last edited by
You're the first person to take a real interest in the Events/Calendar section.
I honestly just went to the Metallica website, then tried to copy their info and layout. I'll check out the other scheduling sites you recommended (and your, btw) and work on an updated design.
Someone also said we might try to link up with BandIsInTown, one way or another, to really do events well.
replied to delanthear last edited by
replied to Ben Pate π€π» last edited by
@benpate I mean, what you're building here so far is a complete band website replacement. It's pretty much combining Bandcamp, Linktree, Blog, Facebook, bandsintown all together in one place. Which is great, because we can't rely on any of those as a band. Adding a place to host a proper EPK for distribution would be good too.
The trick though is actually getting people to look at it!
replied to Ben Pate π€π» last edited by
@benpate ooh, new bug. I just added "Old Wounds" and out of nowhere an unpublished version of "Reincarnate" just appeared. (I think. I might have just been hamfisted earlier)
replied to delanthear last edited by
Yes, 100%. The trick is making it useful to both sides of the equation: musicians AND fans. That's the ultimate goal of the distributed search engine, connections to TheIndieBeat.fm (among others) and so on.
Hopefully, in the next few months we have something that I can use to explore indie music anywhere online.
It's coming together⦠slowly.
BTW, your band is showing up on the #Goth tag now. It wasn't catching you in the index correctly: https://bandwagon.fm/artists?q=%23goth
replied to delanthear last edited by
Odd. It looks like a completely different set of records. It looks like it's not "Featured" on the home page, either, so perhaps it's a first attempt that got lost? In any case, it's safe to delete, if you just want to delete it.
replied to Ben Pate π€π» last edited by
@benpate aaa no! I made that back when I first signed up. Duh.
replied to delanthear last edited by
@delanthear Glad to hear it! You're actually using some new code I JUST published in the last few days, trying to make it easier for first-time users.
It is (was?) really easy to lose new albums or posts when you're first setting up a profile, because they go back into the "Albums" section if you don't "Feature" them on your home page.
I've made this easier, now (I think) but you can still bury stuff there if you uncheck the "Featured" box.
Hopefully, this is solved and you're happy
replied to Ben Pate π€π» last edited by
@benpate @delanthear this feels ripe for connecting grass roots scenes and building back some of the vibe of early internet music days, I'm interested.
Bandcamp following + last.fm artists discovery (before it went downhill) goes a long way for fans. If I'm at a gig and I like the artist having a way to follow them and get their music easily great (and not have to search out all sorts of different social presences)
replied to Martin Gleadow last edited by
Thank you! And, yes, I get lots of "early Internet" vibes from the Fediverse as a whole, and Bandwagon specifically. I'm glad it does that for you, too.
I'm hoping it becomes something like an entry point for fans. Not necessarily a custom home page, but a single place where I can play some tracks, buy an album, or link off to the streaming service that I like best.
I'm very curious to hear how the search works for you, and what I can do to target it better.
replied to Ben Pate π€π» last edited by
@benpate Shall I raise feature requests as issues in github instead of here? (just found it there....)
replied to delanthear last edited by
Sure. If youβre comfortable with GitHub, thatβs where Iβll track everything. So, itβll save me some work if youβre already on there.
Plenty of musicians arenβt, so I just collect notes however I can, then put them in GitHub myself.