Richard Stallman is a repulsive human being and I honestly don't understand why the FSF & community has enabled him for so long. (I recognise the excellent work of several in the community who have stood up to him but he seems to be very difficult to d...
Richard Stallman is a repulsive human being and I honestly don't understand why the FSF & community has enabled him for so long. (I recognise the excellent work of several in the community who have stood up to him but he seems to be very difficult to dislodge, and that's because he still has enablers.) (cw discussions of defences of child sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual assault)
Prof. Catherine Flickreplied to Prof. Catherine Flick last edited by
I was quite active in the FS/OS community back at the turn of the century but ended up getting out because these creepy vibes were pretty much everywhere at the time. You just sort of put up with it in the moment, but it really did become "death by a thousand cuts" - constantly being hit on, constantly having to deal with graphic, "joking" discussions of sex or pornography, being undermined because how would women know anything about tech, etc. It got very very tiring.