Woo my cool new coffee dripper has arrived, colour coordinated options to match kitchen (cc @coffeegeek)
Woo my cool new coffee dripper has arrived, colour coordinated options to match kitchen (cc @coffeegeek)
@coffeegeek That was a very nice, and trendy, cup of coffee. Definitely flows through faster than a regular V60.
@jamesoff @coffeegeek I know the paper + surface tension means the water shouldn't go everywhere, but my brain is having a hard time not imagining a massive puddle of half-done coffee water
@nickmurison @coffeegeek Not a great shot but did keep an eye on that while I was doing the pour and there was none of that at all - wasn’t even super obvious on the outside surface of the filter paper (although it was definitely coming through and running down)
@jamesoff @coffeegeek Ooh, very nice
@jamesoff @nickmurison I suggest using the hario number two filter. Looks like you are using the number one size
@coffeegeek @nickmurison Good spot That is a number 1, but that’s all I have right now - I didn’t twig the Suiren was 02 (the box doesn’t mention it, although the instructions inside do); I’m ordering some new filters now
@nickmurison @jamesoff yeah, when I was testing it that was my initial assumption as well that there would be more bypass, but there's actually less than with a closed hario filter holder. My assumption now is that the closed system attracts water from the filter paper through adhesion and so there's actually more bypass in a closed hario filter holder then with this one.
@jamesoff @nickmurison try to find the cafec brand filters for the herio in the number two size. This was the company that used to make Hario's filters, and they make them in different thicknesses scale to different types of coffee use.
@coffeegeek I’m using the Hario-branded ones (e.g. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hario-VCF-02-40W-1-Piece-Filter-Dripper/dp/B00BLNPBAE) — are those not Cafec now?