We got new content up on CoffeeGeek this morning
We got new content up on CoffeeGeek this morning:
The Lelit Victoria has the potential to be the best single boiler prosumer grade machine you can get today, and its one of the least expensive in its category. Read our comprehensive First Look, via this link. ️
(PS - I hope this works better at not MastoDdos'ing our website :))
CoffeeGeekreplied to CoffeeGeek last edited by [email protected]
Sigh. Nope, even just posting the link (with photos attached) still brings down our site with card requests being hammered in the 1000s over a few milliseconds.
I cannot continue posting links to our website here on Mastodon until this issue is solved... on Mastodon's end. To expect every website around the world to do some tricks or changes to work around a problem with how the fediverse calls cards isn't feasible.
I'll also add I've already spent nearly $1,000 trying to fix this problem on our end, via payments to our web dev, a third party consultant, etc. I'm at the end of my rope on this.
I'll fix your shit for free, just look at this screenshot
Not a convicted felonreplied to CoffeeGeek last edited by
@coffeegeek @espresso I'm not sure what your dev is doing, but edge caching e.g. Cloudflare (which you appear to be using) is designed for exactly this purpose.
If you're still having problems then I'd suggest something is very wrong with your cache configuration. -
@coffeegeek I feel your pain. It's a confluence of two of the downsides of using a federated open standard.
I'm sure you've had plenty of offers of help, but if you're interested I'll add mine to the list.
@coffeegeek Just doing some reading – and I'm sure you're sick of trying things: If you enable tiered caching with Cloudflare, that may help you avoid the dog-pile effect which you're seeing.
@coffeegeek And digging deeper, I see a Cache-Control header set max-age=0, which is effectively disabling caching. I'm not sure if that's your origin server or cloudflare, but it may not be helping.
@dustinrue We've already looked into this and can't do that level on Cloudfare, because it messes up various dynamic content we do on our servers.
Like I said, we've already thrown a fair amount of money at this problem. It's a problem that mastodon needs to fix on their side.
CoffeeGeekreplied to Not a convicted felon last edited by
@sleepyfox We can't use the full caching services on Cloudfare, because it would mess up with the dynamic content we present on CG, specifically our self-hosted advertisers.
If we can't properly display their ads in a passive, but dynamically updating (ie, each page load shows the different graphics) way, we can't exist as a website.
We've tried to find workarounds for that. The only service we have problems from is Mastodon. Because of how they handle card and Url calls.
@andrewharvey this tech talk is above my paygrade, but my Dev did try those fixes, and they ended up breaking our local dynamic content (specifically the ad space we sell directly to coffee related companies). No ad income = no website.
@coffeegeek That totally makes sense. I may have a solution to make Cloudflare only cache requests from Mastodon instances while still letting the humans see the local dynamic content.
It's a little tricky to explain in a toot – I’d probably need to run a quick test. Would it be useful to you if I tried it out and wrote it up for your web dev to consider?
@andrewharvey That would be awesome!