all software should get 2.2 versions or so.a couple major releases - the first one, and the one that adds all the stuff you didn't realize you'd really want when you were making the first one, and a couple bug fix passes to take off the cutting edges, ...
if your ROM isn't filling your needs at some point, you look around and see if someone else has published a ROM that does what you now want. maybe you luck out and find a nice 2.2 ROM for whatever. if not, you start working on newROM 1.0. it's all good. it'll never go past 2.2.
@djsundog breaking changes? nope! just make a new software!
software too big to just make a new one? think again - you already fucked up. put it down and start over, pal.
@brennen programs, not pets
Digital Mark 位 鈽曪笍 馃暪 馃檮replied to DJ Sundog on last edited by
@djsundog Gold Master was a hell of a line to draw in the silicon as "this is what people will get, so we need QA". But post WWW, there was no need for it, everyone just downloads latest version and all the users can be QA.
Why, this is Hell and we made it like this.
DJ Sundogreplied to Digital Mark 位 鈽曪笍 馃暪 馃檮 on last edited by
@mdhughes we put up a forum tho
@djsundog to step outside of the frame of this particular conceit a little, there are two kinds of program i particularly admire:
1. just a little guy
2. cherished object of intense decades-long focus what hath accreted much very careful thought about never fucking anybody up on the basis of having trusted your past decisions
@brennen I think this is where the Divergent movie came from
@djsundog all security fixes happen in the wrapper code?
@quantumg most programs should never need security fixes.
@djsundog because they're written by security obsessed devs? Or something else?
@quantumg because they're not being used in a secure context nor an adversarial environment.
Digital Mark 位 鈽曪笍 馃暪 馃檮replied to DJ Sundog on last edited by
@djsundog We just have the users log into JIRA and file a bug report, which gets triaged at our weekly 4 hour backlog grooming meeting.
Digital Mark 位 鈽曪笍 馃暪 馃檮replied to Digital Mark 位 鈽曪笍 馃暪 馃檮 on last edited by
@djsundog Lest you think I'm joking, that was literally how one of my last "employers" actually operated.
DJ Sundogreplied to Digital Mark 位 鈽曪笍 馃暪 馃檮 on last edited by
@mdhughes horrendous