Is expulsion and resettlement a good way to solve inter-ethnic tensions in a region?
replied to David Mayhood last edited by
@dmayhood I don't think this poll specifies any particular group.
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
@evan No it doesn't. But as I intended, you will get very different results depending on who is proposed for receiving the actions. At the moment it's the Palestinians that have been proposed as the target by Trump, & that's widespread in the news. While the question appears to be intended to elicit a response as a matter of principle, the responses in "principle" would be dramatically different depending on the context. That's a problem for most polls of this type, not just this one.
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
... I'd rather the US give Palestinians $1m each directly to move instead of Israel billion$ to bomb them.
E [email protected] shared this topic
replied to David Mayhood last edited by
@dmayhood My answer would not change. I'm a no. I include Israelis that live on the West Bank in my answer. The fact is kids have been born in the settlements. Those settlements have been built under unjust circumstances and the Israeli state cynically uses those settlements to create new "facts on the ground". The so called "two ethnicities" in this conflict (which obscures the many hybrid positions and other positions) are too intertwined in each others destiny today, is what I see. @evan
replied to william.maggos last edited by
@wjmaggos That's a 7 trillion dollar price tag.
replied to David Mayhood last edited by
@dmayhood I appreciate that you brought up the topic of settler populations, which may help contextualize the question.
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
Trump can get all those guys in the second row at the inauguration to pitch in.
replied to ch0ccyra1n last edited by
@ch0ccyra1n hey, I'm sorry to hear that.
I come from peoples who have faced ethnic cleansing, and I agree that it causes intergenerational trauma. My hope is that my kids can hold onto our culture and some day visit our homelands.
replied to william.maggos last edited by
@wjmaggos I forgot about Palestinians in the Diaspora who have a legal right of return. That'd push it up to about $15T.
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
@evan hezbollah anyone? Ethnic cleansing doesn’t work. And it’s religion masquerading as ethnicity in this case. Eject religion and the area of discussion evaporates
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
@evan I was going to make a crack like "depends which group we're expelling", but nah, serious answer to serious question: no.
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
@[email protected] It's a tough one.
Non-natives should definitely be expelled from North America. But we, Europeans, don't want the Americans (we're fine with White Canadians and Mexicans, we'll welcome them with open arms) -
replied to David B. Himself last edited by
@DavidBHimself Europeans are responsible for most of the world's expulsions, though.
replied to David Mayhood last edited by
L [email protected] shared this topic
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
@evan brilliant question
replied to Benjamin Kwiecień :eo: last edited by
@ben you are the best poll taker, sir.