You've missed the point of all my previous comments entirely. Good job.
Oh no I completely understood the point, which is why I chose that exact language.
The history of humanity going back thousands of years is the history of progress triumphing over conservatism. Every single major historical epoch in recorded human history follows this trend. But Mussolini made the trains run on time so I guess we're even.
Happens more often than you may realize. Someone being "correct" on a topic in an objective sense is good, but that doesn't necessarily outweigh their flaws. Also worth keeping in mind that "left" or "right" ideology can mean very different things in different parts of the world.
An easy example from my own country - our left wing worked hard to shut down functioning nuclear power plants with plenty of time left to run whilst the right wanted to preserve them. Left largely got their way on the issue, and now we're in an electricity crisis due to a lack of dispatchable capacity.
Think for yourself, consider ideas & statements based on their own merits rather than judging them by who is embracing them at the current moment. A century ago it was the Democratic party pushing jim crow laws in the US and the RNC were championing civil rights.
Yeah, the people saying that the guillotine crowd just want to stop oppression are either the stupidest, most ignorant people imaginable or they're just lying.
...do you think that in order for humanity to function we constantly need to be changing? You never think that maybe we level off at some point and settle into a groove where we leave shit alone for awhile?
Have to considered that maybe we as a species require both to function? We need progress and then periods of stability before we get bored/restless and decided to take over the spice trade in our neighborhood?
Light and dark. Yin and Yang.
We need progressives to push for change and we need conservatives to pull the reigns back when we try and change too much too quickly and things start falling apart.
My point this entire time was that good people do bad things. Bad people do good things. Humans are complicated. Our history is even more complicated. At no point has any side or group been "right" forever.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Hilarious that you say this on Lemmy. Have you never read a thread here before posting?
Du Dummkopf!
What historians called this article nazi smear?
This is really not contentious in Germany, there is a consensus amongst historians and the third reich is well researched. So I don't know how you can close your eyes to the facts.
If you want more sources with sources:
Schulz, Eckhardt / Gruber, Erhard: Mythos Reichsautobahn. Bau und Inszenierung der "Straßen des Führers" 1933–1941, Berlin 1996.
Kiran Klaus Patel: „Soldaten der Arbeit“. Arbeitsdienste in Deutschland und den USA 1933–1945. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Now please edit your primary comment to not distribute nazi propaganda. Dankeschön.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
The Democrats are centrists. If you want the far-left perspective, look around Lemmy for a bit.
That's the only real difference between the far right and the far left: The far right has a substantial presence in major western governments while the far left (fortunately) doesn't.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
True. I think for the most part, keeping things boring is best but sometimes a country/government/culture rots to the point that the only way for it to correct itself is through some bloody action of some kind. That can be a revolution started by its own people, a civil war, or a war that perhaps the country itself starts but then loses (see Germany and WWII). I think the US is slowly making its way to that point as the safeguards of democracy are continuously being eroded by Republicans and conservatives and there will be a point of no return.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
That’s the very definition of “far left".
No. It isn't.
Once you are so passionate about your understanding of the world
According to your silly understanding of it, every mass-shooter in history was also "far left."
Again. There is no such thing as a "far left."
It doesn't matter how many overly-dramatic and contrived justifications you make for it. It still remains an invention of liberal media and absolutely nothing else.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Which part of...
The idea that there exists such a thing as a “far left” is the most centrist thing ever.
...are you having a hard time understanding, liberal?
Lol, some leftists need to get over the fact that not everyone will agree with their pov, and that doesn’t meant those who disagree are “center” or “liberal”, whatever the fuck they think those labels mean. I am tired of what feels like emotional blackmail by hardliners who insist that their biased opinions are definitive progressivism, or that they are the arbiters of truth or justice. But continue being wrong, it’s just you losing credibility ️ Truth and justice require a principled and unbiased approach towards morality, ethics and philosophy. I believe people can do better than zero-sum realpolitiks, I guess that’s just my naïve take.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
You have, you're on a reddit clone. Reddit, especially r/politics is centrism defined,, including the ever rightward shift it has taken that follows the natural path of centrism.
My father is a historian. Has a degree in world history. Plus that article has been posted to several history forums over the last ~10+ish years as best I can tell and not once has it included sources or been taken seriously by any of the historians that read it.
You've then linked a German website and a German Wikipedia page. I am not fluent in German so I can't read them, but they are both German hosted so I suspect some modern German biases probably apply. It would behoove any and all Germans to forever distance themselves from Hitler whenever possible but I also see that extending past reality with people trying rewrite history such as yourself.
Pre-Nazi Germany had something like ~15-20km of Autobahn built. Post-Nazi Germany had almost ~4000km of Autobahn. Stop trying to come at me with some "Nazi propaganda" bullshit. Those are both facts that you can independently verify if you want.
It's perfectly fine to despise the Nazis. I highly recommend it at all times. I DONT agree with trying to rewrite history because we don't agree with the optics of it today.
Have a good day teletubbyzurückwinker.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Look in the mirror.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
All political positions weigh the violence of their positions. Liberals who fight to maintain the status quo are fighting to keep people from enclosed resources like food and housing, with the justification of the profit motive. Whether or not they're right, they're accepting blood for their policy
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Oh absolutely. But most people don't pay attention to that. Until it gets bad enough that they're angry and desperate.
That's not what zero-sum means. Implied strawman. Insisting that your own position is the arbiter of unbiased truth and justice without demonstrating it (because obviously).
Lol k.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
It's been a conservative symbol for years, try places that sell Trump merch.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
We've established what blood the liberals actively tolerate. I don't think that's a question at this point.