Is there a "normie" or more mainstream instance for Lemmy?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Seriously people here seem to attach politics to a picture of a sandwich if God forbid the company logo is on the paper to the side.
I distinctly remember liberal messages rising to the top on Reddit, stuff like that you should just accept that you have to go out and work for a living. That's not left!
10s of millions of "left wing" (read, the entire spectrum from center to marx) folks believe that, for better or worse.
That opinion is entirely valid as "left wing" but certainly isn't very left, on an absolute scale.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Yes, I agree. Most people in the US are definitely not Marxist-Leninist, yet that's a vibe i get here frequently.
A more mainstream instance for normal people would be nice. Maybe there should be a non-profit organization behind it to back it up, pay the server bills, and such.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
IDGAF about what the US is cooking up when it comes to political definitions, much less so when they disagree with the rest of the world. Anti-capitalism is necessary to be on the left, it's not negotiable.
Just like you wouldn't call someone who denies god a Christian. There's no "but they deny god a bit less than Richard Dawkins, so they're more Christian": No, they're still denying god, they can't be Christian. If they consider themselves Christian despite denying god, then it stands to reason that they're quite confused about what being a Christian entails, don't you think?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
... or clone the software and host it yourself.
However if you come with an attitude to learn
Translation: if you are willing to swallow the opinion most people have here ...
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
You're ina thread authored by an canadian about "normies". North American concepts matter.
Further, your purity test determination leaves no room for the varied mins of people all over the world. For example fiscal centrists who are socially progressive. You may call that a false leftist, but I'd just say they're a mild left wing voter. I bet if they weren't purity tested they'd eventually shift their perspective on fiscal matters leftward.
Point being people hold varied political opinions, sometimes in complete contrast to themselves. I bet there's some completely theory pure fiscal leftists who don't believe in abortion rights, or some other bizarre combo
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
For example fiscal centrists who are socially progressive. You may call that a false leftist, but I’d just say they’re a mild left wing voter.
So you would call Peter Thiel a leftist? A literal billionaire? A literal neo-feudalist? Because he happens to be gay and proud of it?
You are taking a word that has been, since its literal inception (seating arrangements in the French national assembly, as seen from the lectern), been connected to the struggle of the masses vs. nobility/oligarchy, and you're attaching orthogonal meanings to it. You cannot be leftist if you're on the side of the oligarchy, if you're a capitalist.
"Socially progressive". You already have a term for it. Good. Use it. Don't dilute other terms.
There's no centre point between "believe in god" and "deny god": Either you do or you don't, and anything agnostic is not in the centre, it's not a compromise, but off the axis altogether.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
When did I suggest that would be a leftist? Maybe reread. Specifically the end.
He may hold left opinions on LGBTQ+ issues but hold completely contracting, non left wing opinions elsewhere. We can be sure that's true. He's certainly not a leftist, and likely not a left wing voter either.
Ultimately I'd highlight that you are doing the.thing: you are purity testing very broad language in a completely useless way
I disagree. Having some kind of grievance with capitalism an sich is central to being leftwing.
If left-wing covers all concepts left of center, and many mild left policy still incorporates capitalism, then it can't be reduced that strictly. I could agree that progressive or far left policy isn't compatible with capitalism
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
To be hyper clear for you:
Left WING is not leftIST
LeftIST is left WING
Whether -ist or -wing doesn't matter both still contain the word "left", don't they? Therefore, they are either anti-capitalist, or they're confused. And, yes, much of US politics is terribly confused. The moderate left, in the US, begins with AOC and Bernie, both solid socdems, radical is far a ways off. The Democrat establishment, by and large, supports the oligarchy, they don't even begin to be on the left.
Don't expect lefties from elsewhere to play into that confusion.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Corporate internet doesn't even filter out "uncomfortable" shit for people. They have a vested interest in keeping people engaged whether it's through love or hate.
This is a misconception I see all the time. Reddit et al try their hardest to make browsing feel like a roller coaster to keep up engagement.
Your last point is what really resonates with me. I'll take Marxist-Lenninists all day over stupid right wingers who created this whole fucking mess. At the very least, the former read books. The latter only know how to kiss ass.
Many people block all political communities and keywords. It's definitely viable.
I feel like she wasn't told to use the block feature freely and deliberately. The block feature is your friend.
Lemmy is notorious for asking and including sources. It's part of the culture. I wouldn't say you're supposed to swallow anything, but quite the contrary--make your stance.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
My impression is that Lemmy and the fediverse are a manifestation of the dissatisfaction with the current "normal" and "mainstream" social media platforms which are in decline due to hyper-capitalism. Is it no wonder the majority of its users' ideology doesn't align with what is "normal" and "mainstream"?
That being said, this system is designed so that communities can exist independently from one-another. You're always welcome to create your own. Otherwise, is just about as "normal" as you're going to get out of Lemmy.
If you block political words and Linux this place is a ghost town...
... Except for LotR memes of course.