You ever do something like this? What's your story?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Yes, I've painted bicycles a few times. The first one, a '90s rigid MTB I was building up to be my "daily driver" utility bike, I took the frame to be professionally powder coated, which obviously worked great. The second one, a tandem, I spray-painted myself, which also worked fine but I haven't really ridden it so can't speak to the durability over time. Most recently, I tried spraying a frame with plasti-dip because I wanted it to be removable, but it turned out a little too removable: it didn't hold up to being clamped in my work stand, so now I've got to re-do that tube.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
In my city the homeless run a newspaper. Good on-the-street reporting and homeless people can also sell the paper to get money.
Anyways, got to talking to a paper-seller. His story was rough; had a job, a house… and then a major medical event that took his house and all of his savings away in bills. His job fired him for ‘poor attendance’. At least the people at the paper were helping him get back on his feet.
Bought his last few papers so he could go home, but figured he was probably cold and hungry after standing around all day, so I bought him dinner and some new warm socks too.
Hope that guy is doing all right.
There was a guy outside of Taco Bell in Columbus Ohio who was begging for money so he could get himself a burrito.
So I went inside and bought the man several burritos and soft tacos and a large drink. I walked back out and handed it to him, and he promptly threw it straight in the trash and looked in the eye and reminded me that he had asked for money. -
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I semi-routinely get food for beggars. Gift cards, even. I don't carry cash, but if someone says they're trying to get enough money for food, I offer to just buy them what they need. They almost always say yes, and, especially in winter, you can tell it means a lot, at least in the moment.
On my first payday, post graduation, I did this for some kid who seemed clean by really skinny. He picked out frozen chicken nuggets, and seemed just so happy and grateful. That's stuck with me.
I don't get it
[email protected]replied to ThePowerOfGeek last edited by
I'm not upset at your story, I'm upset at you being judgemental toward unhoused persons. There are a lot of people out there when an unhoused person asks for money just refuse to give it because they think they are going by drugs with it (which, yeah, they might), so many unhoused persons have to resort to giving an excuse they think you might be responsive to. You have no idea what they need the money for. Maybe its to get a cheap phone so thry haveva way to contact someone if thry need help. Msybe they need a hair cut for a job interview. Maybe its for drugs. The thing is, you should give a person the help they ask for and not what you think they need, in my opinion. You are not their parent and what they do with what they ask for is not your business.
This type of thing happened to me twice. I stopped giving directly and now only donate to charities which vet the recipient and distribute. I'm not paying for someone's drug or alcohol addiction. I also donate my time.
Always ask if they want the food first.
Blue shirt guy is holding a can of spray paint. You're supposed to think they're going to harass the homeless guy with it, but they bought him food instead.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I had to learn the hard way that in many cases, people are homeless for a reason. Not ALL cases - I'm not saying they all just need to pull bootstraps - but be careful in sticking your neck out too far for them.
Oh ok
Where I live people don't harass homelesses with spray paint
Cultural differences I suppose
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I think I've given money to a beggar once. This one said it would go straight to booze and I though fair enough.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
It absolutely is my business what a person wants to do with money they're begging me for.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Then why do you read them? You can tell from the first two words it's going to be a story.
Nothing I'd ever consider doing, either. But there are a lot of cruel people in the world.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I shared food with beggars on various times
First time I was like 11 years old, shared a sandwich, they got annoyed and throw the food back at me
Second time I was 20 something. Shared a full lasagna aluminum foil plate and bro threw it to the ground
Last time was before COVID hit, here in Argentina. I shared a sandwich and the man went into an insane rant about how the immigrants owed him money because they took their jobs.
I believe I have learned my lesson to not share anemonemore
Like food on Soviet union.
Not everybody gets it.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Honestly I disagree, it absolutely is not. If you don't want to part with your money, don't give it, but you are not paying for a service. You are are not entitled to what another person does with the money you give them. Do you want the company you work for to start telling you want yiu can do with the money they pay you? Or is it your money to do with what you want once it is given to you?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Receiving money in exchange for your labor is entirely different. You are being paid for providing a service, and no, the employer has no right to tell you what to do with money you have earned. When you beg for money, you are asking for someone else's resources to be given to you for nothing in return. That person is therefore directly using their resources to enable...something. They have a right to know what. If the person giving doesn't care, fine, but it's the height of arrogance to think you have the right to take their money, no questions asked.