If I had a nickel for every time I was the first one to call 911 and report an accident…
If I had a nickel for every time I was the first one to call 911 and report an accident…
@puppygirlhornypost2 you'd have too many nickels for doing that?
@[email protected] yes. I always call 911, I never assume. At the worst they’ll have a redundant call and they’ll have already sent someone. At the best, I just saved someone’s life because I reported it to them when nobody else had. It costs nothing, and it’s not like I am going to get in trouble for using 911 as it was intended to be used.
@[email protected] it’s also a lot safer than potentially putting myself at risk.
@[email protected] fwiw I don’t call for minor fender benders, the previous times I had to call were serious accidents in which someone needed an ambulance right away. This time it was t-bone at a 4 way stop but traffic became dangerous to the point I was like for fucks sake. I’ll quote what I sent my mother "Heads up, if you’re coming home any time soon avoid the <street 1> & <street 2> 4 way stop. Just had to call 911, there’s a traffic accident and people are just blowing through the stop sign, driving in oncoming and all sorts of stupid shit."
@[email protected] I was genuinely worried someone else was going to get hurt, they were standing in the middle of the intersection and someone almost hit me when I was taking a right turn (I stopped, looked all ways but there was a blind spot bc of the truck and this car came speeding through the stop sign almost hitting me and adding to the wreck pile)