the only thing I don’t like about USB-C is the fact that the charging port contains a thin piece with the conductors on it.
Anyway, USB-C isn’t perfect but if I have to choose between using an imperfect, flexible system with power delivery handling the negotiation for voltage and appropriate amperage… vs what we had before… I pick usb c
@puppygirlhornypost2 For me, I find it kinda difficult to plug in, so I don't really like it, though I guess I have learned how to plug it in after using it for multiple years, but it really is a pain and I'd basically always prefer type-A
@[email protected] my biggest complaint about my laptop is the usb c port right next to the sd card slot and me accidentally putting my charger in the wrong hole
@puppygirlhornypost2 you have no idea just how much thicker everything would be with everything mounted through-hole. stallman's thinkpad would be nothing in comparison
@[email protected] it is my firm belief that the iPhone 5 was genuinely the peak of the iPhone design, form factor and case wise.
@[email protected] @[email protected] i just want modular repairable components, see Fairphone and Framework
@[email protected] could you imagine a modern cpu being through hole. not socketed (and not what amd did) but like back in the old days when microprocessors had like 12 pins max and you could just put them on a breadboard. imagine what horrific monster something like a ryzen 5950x would be in that form factor.
@[email protected] not every part should be through hole - I agree. Surface mount is really nice for things like resistors. It’d be nice though if we had easily replaceable components for external ports like the charging port without having to replace the entire board (I only did that for an iPhone 6s+, the speaker assembly and everything was on the same board. It was not fun).
@[email protected] @[email protected] yeah if replacing a part on your phone requires 30+ minutes of careful heat gun application to warm up the adhesive used to mount thin ribbon cables…
@puppygirlhornypost2 i just happen to have a non functional iphone 6s in my backpack for Reasons, and holy shit it's so comically thin
no fucking wonder they bent from just being in the butt pocket -
@[email protected] mine got bent from being removed from its case