pretty damn soon it's going to be 5 years since the 2020 uprising, and guess what??
pretty damn soon it's going to be 5 years since the 2020 uprising, and guess what?? #minneapolis still doesn't have a new 3rd precinct police station, its police force is still down 40%, and they are desperately advertising for new recruits on /reddit/ lmaooo
also, the old police precinct still has its burned facade in plain view, despite the city now having placed banners there saying "cleanup efforts are underway". it's like the city government decided "you know what, we're just gonna leave this burned facade here to remind the world how terrible it was" while everyone else is like "hell yeah! love that the burned facade is still there remind the world how awesome that was!"
so yeah, turns out #RiotsWork, at least a lil
@riotmuffin In case anyone ever tries to tell you something silly like "the 2020 Uprising didn't work," remind them that the Seattle Police Department has fewer officers now than it did in 1958
@sidereal @riotmuffin
Wow, change happens fast -
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] and with the support of viewers like you, we can get that ratio to infinity.