It sounds like other media companies are starting to experience what's been happening to independent adult creators for the last five years or more.
It sounds like other media companies are starting to experience what's been happening to independent adult creators for the last five years or more. ErosBlog is down to a few thousand pageviews on a good day and I freakin' KNOW it's not because people aren't interested. They can't find me. Google won't let them. At least I don't have employees I need to fire like GFR does/did:
The End Of Independent Publishing And Giant Freakin Robot
After relaunching GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT in 2019, the site grew to a readership of more than 20 million a month, … Continue reading "The End Of Independent Publishing And Giant Freakin Robot"
ErosBlog Bacchusreplied to ErosBlog Bacchus last edited by
If you read the linked article closely, internal signals at Google are "we're going all in on AI, and won't be a search company any more so much as an AI-fueled recommendation engine" and "Everything we do has to be filtered through an intense desire not to piss off the major brand advertisers".
Those are PURE DEATH for porn and adult conversation (also the whole universe of LGBTQ+ discourse) because every corporate AI has #pornocalypse built into its bones and major brands consider us poison.
Joshua A.C. Newmanreplied to ErosBlog Bacchus last edited by
@ErosBlog This is also true of other independent art. Games, stories, illustration, we’re all having a hard time finding each other.
We’re going to have to iterate on forums and webrings!