is Stephen Wolfram respected or not really?
is Stephen Wolfram respected or not really?
@smitten IIRC he steals work.
@[email protected] ah interesting. I'm asking because last night I was trying to read up on 'Wolfram Physics', which already sounds like a really pretentious name. he's been trying to find a fundamental theory of everything, so that got my attention of course. When I was reading the post though it came across similar to how string theorists used to talk about their work - lots of hype and breathless excitement but not so much substance.
@smitten @molossus_spondee after exploring “A New Kind of Science” i also got the vibe he’s mostly about hyping himself, so i don’t have a great opinion of him either. He can get cancelled
mx alex tax1a - 2020 (5)replied to Beatrix last edited by
@beatrix @smitten @molossus_spondee "a new kind of science" is what you get when one guy fixates unnecessarily on cellular automata and goes "everything is a nail for this rule 110 hammer"