I'm curious, how much does it cost you, monthly, on average, to participate in the fediverse?
Back in the day, when running social apps took real design effort, a sizeable developer team, and lots of dedicated hardware in addition to moderation, Habbo could edge along profitability at about €1 per active user per month (it was about €9/mo per 11% paying users) at less than an order of magnitude more users.. Those numbers are now 15y old.
@stefan -
The Nexus of Privacyreplied to The Nexus of Privacy last edited by [email protected]
Stefan Bohacekreplied to The Nexus of Privacy last edited by
@thenexusofprivacy Nice!
A great data point. My guess is that fedi's server costs are much higher than commercial competitors -- both because decentralization means a lot of duplicated hardware and disk storage, and also because Mastodon's a resource hog. On the other hand almost all moderation and admin is done by volunteers ... and a chunk of the development work is also ither funded by NLnet or done by volunteers.
Mastodon is a resource hog and there is a lot of duplication, and we did A LOT of work to make Habbo run efficiently, but still, 15 years of hardware development and better at-scale software frameworks count. What was big data then is a Mac Mini today.
@stefan -
The Nexus of Privacyreplied to Osma A last edited by [email protected]
Alejandro Gaita Ariño 🐌 :ecoanarchism_heart:replied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
I forget to pay each year, but each year I get the Liberapay reminder by email and I pay my yearly dues (and by chance this happened a few minutes ago) -
@thenexusofprivacy @stefan interesting to see this attempted estimate! (fyi $5.5M, you wrote K)
:mastodonworld: Calebreplied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
@stefan I’m disappointed I missed these polls. I’ve long been curious how the community feels on distribution of donations.
I currently donate to my server administration and have a subscription to my app but have not yet made any donations to platform development 🫣
Stefan Bohacekreplied to :mastodonworld: Caleb last edited by
@ccunning It sounds like you're doing great, it's really hard to support every single project/app/developer!