Somehow, yesterday I experienced a new form of email nonsense.
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Kevin Bowrin ☕ last edited by
@kevinbowrin I mean, there's fuckall I can do without convincing a government IT department to send me logs, which,
Billreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc That's direct violation of 5321 isn't it?
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Bill last edited by
@Sempf Yeah. So? Lots of domains bounce postmaster@
Billreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc That's a good point.
@Sempf @ryanc
It's been awhile since I was in the daily email game, but I assume blowback is still a non-trivial problem, such that silent discard, despite non-compliance, might sometimes be preferable to innocent bystanders receiving blowback? But deciding when to do that must be complicated ...(Put another way: I don't think the RFC framers had "spoof millions of senders s day" in mind as something to be standardized against)
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Royce Williams last edited by
@tychotithonus @Sempf rejection at smtp transaction time does not cause backscatter
Royce Williamsreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@tychotithonus @Sempf if they can't be bothered to decide whether they're going to accept it at that time
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Royce Williams last edited by
@tychotithonus @Sempf hold the connection while validating at the next hop
(this is a bit ideological)
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@tychotithonus @Sempf being less extreme, it's pretty safe to send a bounce if SPF and DKIM validate
Royce Williamsreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc @Sempf I mean, I get that, but in the meantime the blowback still hits the innocent non-sender. As a troubleshooter, I 100% hated silent discard, but as a spam fighter from back in the day, never doing that produced a whole bunch of busy work and harm that was impossible to work around otherwise. (Rejecting early in the connection was of course ideal!). But I've been out of this game for more than a decade ...
Royce Williamsreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@tychotithonus @ryanc I have learned more about SMTP in this conversation then I have in 25 years of fucking with it.
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Royce Williams last edited by
@tychotithonus @Sempf the cursed thing here is that the sending side is silently discarding it
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Bill last edited by
@Sempf @tychotithonus do you need a hug?
Billreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc @tychotithonus No, just a brain.
@Sempf @tychotithonus @ryanc is that what happens when you hit the age of the port number? Remind me to die before I hit 80 years old...
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Erik Ableson last edited by
@erik @Sempf @tychotithonus I've forgotten more about HTTP than most people will ever know...
Billreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc @erik @tychotithonus I was gonna say, I spend most of my time at 443 so I'm probably ok there.
DrScripttreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc @tychotithonus @Sempf well it might, but it won’t be your server sending the back scatter.
The server you refused to accept the message from us coulpable for the backscatter. Maybe it shouldn’t have accepted the message in the first place.