Care workers are underpaid.
Care workers are underpaid. That is a truism worthy of patent in this day and age. And thats because we, as a society, has relegated care into the periphery ofnwhat it means to be human. We have become too addicted to competition and grind culture that all forms of care is either too domestic or 'weak'. The same way all forms of 'care' is expected to be given free because it doesn't directly generate surplus value through commodity production.
The contradictions of capitalism is more evident here than in any other fields of endeavours. Capitalism needs rigid gender roles to reproduce labour but it takes for granted systems of care. This, together with the packaging of care work as a 'natural' extension of female roles in society, serves to sustain a system where big earnings are limited to those who engage in market oiented activities.
They have taken everything. Dont let them take away our humanity. Remwmber, the first sign that a civilisation existed was not the presence of money, market or weapons to hunt. It was a broken bone that had time to heal.