I know lots of people try and choose "unique" names and spellings for their kids so they're Googleable.
I know lots of people try and choose "unique" names and spellings for their kids so they're Googleable. Meanwhile, I'm like - if I was given the ability to name a kid, I'd intentionally name the the most ungoogleable name possible. Either a "John Smith" or perhaps name them the same as a mega-celebrity so results about them wouldn't show up in even the first 1000 pages. Then tell them that we are happy to use any nickname they want and I'd pay for a legal name change anytime after 14. It's the most I could do to help give them the option of privacy if they want it.
I know lots of people try and choose "unique" names and spellings for their kids so they're Googleable. Meanwhile, I'm like - if I was given the ability to name a kid, I'd intentionally name the the most ungoogleable name possible. Either a "John Smith" or perhaps name them the same as a mega-celebrity so results about them wouldn't show up in even the first 1000 pages. Then tell them that we are happy to use any nickname they want and I'd pay for a legal name change anytime after 14. It's the most I could do to help give them the option of privacy if they want it.
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