Would anyone be interested in hiring/sponsoring me to build a custom registration flow for Mastodon which supports collecting payments for the account.
replied to Emelia πΈπ» last edited by
@thisismissem Maybe @newsmast might be up to build this into Patchwork fork?
replied to Emelia πΈπ» last edited by
@thisismissem why would you want to introduce capitalism into a fedi server. I can think of quite a few ways this can go terribly wrong.
R [email protected] shared this topic
replied to Joachim last edited by
@cocoafrog could always do a free trial β also it's more to prove it works during signup
replied to Joachim last edited by
@cocoafrog unfortunately it can't be done through centralised payment processing, unless using stripe connect, but you basically don't wanna be operating anything considered a marketplace
replied to Tim Chambers last edited by
@tchambers @newsmast doesn't need modifications to mastodon, just uses the APIs
replied to TuffyPuff last edited by
@TuffyPuff because you want a way to make your server more sustainable financially & be able to pay moderators and devs/ops
replied to Emelia πΈπ» last edited by
@thisismissem I wrote a probably misguided tirade, which I will put in a reply to this post. Really I am just really frustrated with how capitalism destroys everything it touches, and this has the smell of capitalism's fetid hands touching the Fediverse.
replied to Emelia πΈπ» last edited by
@thisismissem Right, I can imagine thereβd be a lot of pain in making this not look wrong to all kinds of regulation and rules.
replied to Joachim last edited by
@cocoafrog @thisismissem Missed that. Got a link? Need to know if I should increase my donation.
replied to TuffyPuff last edited by
@TuffyPuff this is a tool intended to be run by collectives and co-ops, its not designed for-profit, and tbh you'd have a hard sell going that route
replied to Matthew Booth last edited by
@mattb @cocoafrog costs are about $0.30 / active user / month, without paid staff
replied to Emelia πΈπ» last edited by
@mattb @thisismissem here is a calculation with paid staff, which I found more reflective of sustainable financing: https://hachyderm.io/@esk/113793277371908181
replied to Emelia πΈπ» last edited by
@thisismissem I think this would be a really good idea. The idea of paying money for stuff is good thing, and even in Star Trek people occasionally use money to pay for stuff.
Have you looked into grant applications at all? A prototype fund grant as freelancer in Germany is what started me off rebooting $WORKPLACE into a thing that employs ppl now.
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replied to Chris Adams last edited by
TBH, knowing there was a clear way to pay to support the service that was nicely integrated into it from the get go would make me *more* likely to want to join the Hachyderm instance.
This is because Iβd feel like there was a lower chance of me to having to plan a disruptive migration when it runs out of money.
I pay a token amount to Mastodon.social but until you shared the numbers in another post I didnβt realise how expensive running a biggish instance might be per user.
replied to Chris Adams last edited by
@mrchrisadams this isn't something I'd consider doing a grant for; have tonnes of other stuff that needs grants with higher priority (I am currently working on an NLNet grant)
replied to Chris Adams last edited by
@mrchrisadams you definitely don't need to worry about us running out of money. There is also the opencollective for Nivenly membership
replied to Emelia πΈπ» last edited by
Hi Emelia, we'd definitely be interested in talking more about this idea - it sounds great!
We'll send you a DM.
replied to Newsmast Foundation last edited by
@newsmast @thisismissem Love to see collaboration like this spring up!
U [email protected] shared this topic