Step 1 of taking a bicycle 120 miles out of San Francisco without a car: ride to BART station (the subway in the Bay Area ).
@skinnylatte Wow. Kerning got me... I really really thought that said horney, not homey.
I spent far longer than I should admit wondering how food could be horny, and why you would make such an obvious spelling mistake.
I should get some sleep or something... looks yummy though!
@m some food can be….
@skinnylatte yesss there's a place near me that's the same type of home style Japanese food and it's so comforting.
Adrianna Tanreplied to Adrianna Tan last edited by [email protected]
I made it! Almost 12 full hours to go 100 miles haha
Sleep awaits, and then I’ll have a full day of work and meetings tomorrow (and this entire week)! Everyone is flying in from everywhere for a major organization milestone
@skinnylatte How did you manage to make the red markup look good too?? It fits in the whole photo so well.
@boby_biq heh just scribbling
Adrianna Tanreplied to Adrianna Tan last edited by [email protected]
At 6:45am, I rode off toward the water. I’m not familiar with this town yet but the water always tells me I’m headed towards work. I stop by a historic building by the water that has cheery art that says ‘the Spanish conquest through conversion’.
The message feels grimmer than the art.
The air around here still smells like anchovies.
I wanted a ‘biking and birding life
Found a scope for whales in someone’s office
People have been leaving me cool schwag in my office!
We got a free taco truck today! It’s also one I like
@skinnylatte those clips are coooooool
@skinnylatte Your job posts give me hope, thank you.
@skinnylatte nice bike! Is that a burley travoy hitch under the saddle?
@signaltap yep! Good eye