I still think the absolute funniest tax policy was what Ireland did.
I still think the absolute funniest tax policy was what Ireland did. They basically became a tax haven for foreign corporations to attract all the rich multinational tech companies and generate a ton of tax revenue in the process. The EU wasn't happy about it, so they sued Ireland and won. The outcome of the lawsuit was that Ireland had to charge back taxes + interest to the companies it gave tax breaks to, making the country even more money in the process. Probably the most "don't hate the player hate the game" economic policy I've seen in a while.
xmlns="Dan"replied to Marcus Hutchins :verified: last edited by
@malwaretech We lost a court case and come out of it 13 billion richer, not bad!
Marcus Hutchins :verified:replied to xmlns="Dan" last edited by
@divclassbutton I don't think it's possible to win more than making money from getting sued lmao
Jimboreplied to Marcus Hutchins :verified: last edited by
@malwaretech @divclassbutton The conference of Ireland’s lawyers must have been interesting. “Don’t fuck up this case by winning.”
@divclassbutton Beats Mt Gox, which only had one billion or so left over after paying all the creditors in full in its bankruptcy process. @malwaretech