Clocks go back tonight (give me strength).
Time is an illusion apparently. But whatevz.We can blame William Willett - a British builder who came up with the idea in 1905 while horseback riding.
I'm ashamed to say that said horse ride took place less than a mile from where we now live.
John Bloor Printmakerreplied to Em-squared last edited by
@emsquared I wish we had double summer time
@omnicaritas well he's first against the wall when time travel revolution happens (or at least gently persuaded that what he was considering was utter madness).
@omnicaritas Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so (can't remember where that's from).
Em-squaredreplied to John Bloor Printmaker last edited by
@johnbloorprintmaker you and me both. Obvs the UK had it during WWII (I'm not *that* old) and tried GMT+1 between 1968-71 (too young to remember). OK it wouldn't get light here in the morning until after 9.30 am but hey.
@flavigula @omnicaritas Ha. Very probably.
@emsquared @johnbloorprintmaker dark mornings are much worse than dark evenings.
@rivets @johnbloorprintmaker I'll take dark mornings over light at bloody 4am (at least those days have gone with where I'm living now) but I get it. We should each be able to live the hours we are most comfortable operating in.
@emsquared I just bought a SAD light to see if I can handle the dark evenings better than usual.
@ianturton Hope you see some benefit. I saw one of the local libraries not too far away lending them out.