I REALLY don't want to join #Bluesky and love it here on the fedi.
Mike, I have installed a few Linux distro in the past, and I really wanted to give Nixos a try today.
The interface install didn't complete initially because, regardless of which option I choose in the partition step, it either failed, or the installer had the "next" button grayed out.
Also, in the previous step, Unfree Software, documentation and tutorials show an additional dialog box; however, during my setup, that dialog was missing, and I just got a message that it failed.
I tried on two machines already, and it failed on both. I then switched to the manual installation, and that didn't fully work either, but at least it deleted tbe old partitions, and after restarting it, the interface installer worked, except for the unfree software step.
Kind of frustrating, but at least I got it up and running, and I also managed to make a few changes to the config file, rebuilt, amd rolled back and to the previous generation as a test.
I am still concerned about the unfree software step though.
https://image.nostr.build/7f8b49a264bb3062fc14c4ca4be8b7062193f813432fb2f0d24e29d51006fb59.jpg -
@codemonkeymike I will undoubtedly benefit from checking those accounts of people who've replied.
@codemonkeymike Most of my bad code is still PHP (or Visual Basic!) but I haven't had a ton of time to code lately.
@codemonkeymike @benlockwood hello
@brettm @benlockwood followed thanks!!
@ocdtrekkie hahha php sure don't care how janky your code is.
@rick_d_freeman me too! This is amazing. So many great people I haven't seen before.
@8744781f42a20add2f942a2b4feabca5b451ca22c17e20db7884f55d72f30a56 I have honestly never seen this. And I've installed nix hundreds of times.
I made a few video walk thrus. I wonder what's not the same.
@dblack I image PHP feels like an old pair of blue jeans. Ain't fancy, but simpler times.
I'm agressively interested in liveview
@abesamma I agree. And that's mainly what I want.
@alpine we're basically brothers. Welcome!
Fly-paper-love-makerreplied to Mike :nixos: last edited by
@codemonkeymike Linux is my hobby. Currently have the Pop!_OS Cosmic alpha on my home lab computer and NixOS with the same desktop env on my old MacBook Pro. Been enjoying the difference between the two.
My neighbors are a nice couple who work as software engineers and they are teaching my eleven year old son how to code in Python. It’s been a rich experience.
@benpocalypse this post has sure dispelled any illusions that incant find my people here. Love it
Mike :nixos:replied to Fly-paper-love-maker last edited by
@flypaper how are you liking cosmic? I've been watching from afar
@[email protected] There are some part of my interest that I can't really find it here in Fediverse, and I found it lot more on Bsky
But anyway, I do have interest on just #linux though my posts can be a bit lewd (I always mark them, dw) you can check my profile for more info about me -
@linkachus17 awesome followed. Thanks!
Subscribed to your YouTube channel.
I pretty much followed the same steps, except the erase in the partition step never worked until I switched to the manual install in the terminal, made changes to the partition, but the installation still failed, so I restarted, and this time the partition step worked.
What never worked was the unfree software. It never showed me the dialogue box, it just failed. It makes me wonder why bit happened, and if the installation can be trusted...
https://image.nostr.build/2f0398baed38b05a1c119043c09956bb22c978d6ec43dd2a8e96e9975d36d687.jpg -
@8744781f42a20add2f942a2b4feabca5b451ca22c17e20db7884f55d72f30a56 so weird! I have never had the unfree thing not show up. Honestly. Maybe download the KDE installer just to see. Now I'm curious.
@codemonkeymike I enjoy all your tech posts.
@codemonkeymike Who says that you can't be on both platforms? There are always going to be some people that will only exist on one or the other, so if you're really concerned about FOMO and wanting to find absolutely everyone you can, join both. And nobody says that you have to use them both equally, or one more than the other. Do what works for you, friend!
I joined Bluesky a couple of days ago. The ethos is different and the culture is different (and to be quite honest, it reminds me of all the non-technical reasons that I left Twitter for the fedi to begin with), but both platforms are valid and each one will have some things that the other lacks.
There is no "one platform to rule them all". There is no single "global town square". And in my view, there shouldn't be. Yes, it's a hassle to have to open and keep track of - gasp! - 2 whole apps, but since they are (I believe) mutually exclusive in goals and ethos, it's not really that onerous if you truly want to fight your FOMO.