when the bible said "suffer not a witch to live" it was talking about RF circuit design
Ángela Stella Matutinareplied to Foone🏳️⚧️ last edited by
Radar, now that's satanic. From household movement detectors all the way to Arecibo (RIP).
Foone🏳️⚧️replied to Ángela Stella Matutina last edited by
@angelastella radar is just using RF to see, which is like a double abomination
@foone The best trick the devil ever played is making people think he didn't exist!
@foone hell is empty and the antennas are all here
@glyph that's good, I'll have to put it in my next bible
TerrorBite :veripawed3:replied to Foone🏳️⚧️ last edited by
@foone I'm a Pope. Eris told me (via Malaclypse the Younger in the Principia Discordia, and also via my pineal gland) that everyone is a Pope.
I'm also now a licenced amateur radio operator who is building his own antennas for fun, and RF is indeed a black art. I'm not sure Eris can help, but She probably approves of all the chaos.
TerrorBite :veripawed3:replied to TerrorBite :veripawed3: last edited by
@foone please print and fold the attached card
Foone🏳️⚧️replied to TerrorBite :veripawed3: last edited by
@TerrorBite already got one. That's why I'm a pope!
@foone hey, I already sold my soul to my local goth chic, she is already good at setting up the wifi ^^
@chrissienby often a much better move, true