I got a split keyboard to try since I'm stuck in a bed/recliner, but it turns out one half is broken, only the right half works.
I'll call it Pyhon. Not python, we don't have a T.
@foone pretty sure you can write brainfuck using only the right half of the keyboard, just gotta use right shift to access >, <, and +.
@olligobber I wrote my own brainfuck once where all the operators were ascii art penises, a la "8==D"
The first language that can be programmed only with your genitals
I mean, I do have my T-blocker shot on Monday!
@foone I have this keyboard that I'm not realistically going to use again, do you want it?
@blp Nah, I've got several of those, my sister uses 'em. Thanks though!
@foone Need to make a custom cylindrical keyboard to improve the coding experience.
@olligobber I can't find a link but someone did do a keyboard that's got keys on the inside of a cylinder
@foone I was thinking something that used the length and position of swipes along the cylinder to type the appropriate characters. Imagine a proficient user of that one.
@olligobber I've thought about it. more than once.
I blame @qdot -
Correction: no I don't.
Fuck Kaiser Permanente