it has been 0 days since a journalist asked me if foone was my real name
it has been 0 days since a journalist asked me if foone was my real name
my name is realer than some of the publications that have asked that question.
(it's also older than some of them)
I think the part that bothers me is how they all seem to be thinking it's some alias for a boring real name, but they're coming to me in the first place for doing weird hacker/artist things.
are you really that surprised that a weird hacker/artist has a weird hacker/artist name?
I make weird things!
and I am one of the weird things I made.
@[email protected] i should change my name to "puppygirlhornypost2" in solidarity
anyway, both my mom and the government call me "foone", so I don't know how much "realer" I can make this name
@foone at least you're not a keyboard otherwise you might take yourself apart
@foone “It’s the real part. I have a complex name and the imaginary part is orthogonal to human language.”
@foone Foo-nuh? Or does it rhyme with spoon? Or something else?
@dysfun oh I wish I could take myself apart.
It's about every day that I wish my reverse engineering skills worked on my body and brain -
@ann3nova rhymes with spoon. It's the same as the second syllable of "typhoon".
@puppygirlhornypost2 do it. I think everyone should change their legal name to the name they use online.
fuck "real names", hacker aliases for everyone!
@foone I think many of us are thankful that you created you. Thank you. I appreciate your weird art, hacks, and posts every day.
@jtlg so, fun fact:
My full name is Foone B. Turing.
And my story for the "B" is that it stands for "Benoit B. Mandlebrot", and now re-read that sentence as many times as you want to go as deep as you want.So my name DOES have a complex part: it's the point called c, in Fc(z) = z² + the definition of the mandlebrot set.
@miah thanks!
@foone honestly? with stuff like kiwifarms out there? Yeah, I'm surprised prominent hackers use their real names.
@foone @puppygirlhornypost2 I am a cis man and it's entirely possible that my new handle may be Kathleen due to a hilarious bar order mixup at our last DEFCON group meetup
At least my initials don't change
@foone there are some firmware bugs i wouldn't mind fixing in mine but damnit the manufacturer didn't leave any documentation or even a jtag interface