This blog is now federated natively to lemmy
@[email protected] Is this federating to your blog?
Edit: Seems like it is now.
Yep, I can see it fine.
@[email protected] Awesome, it didn’t federate at first until I mentioned you, then both the comment and the reply I mentioned you in federated just fine.
So, which setting was it that made this work?
IDK why but I can’t see other comments from my instance.
Check the github issue I linked. I’ve posted a screenshot there
I need to approve new commenters on the blog which is an anti spam measure, so that might be why. I think I’ll disable that setting and see if it’s still an issue
If it’d not using lemmy 0.19.6 then WordPress federation is not working well yet
This is super cool.
Unfortunately the previous posts on this blog are not retrieved automatically, so you won’t be able to see them or their comments in the community, but one can search for a blog url in lemmy and it will discover it and open it for comments.
I don’t think previous comments are retrieved automatically either. From my instance, comments are empty.
Yes the comments are the same. Unless you were subscribed to the blog via lemmy when the comment was left, you wouldn’t receive it and fetching it later doesn’t retrieve earlier comments.
Just because I’m curious, which one was the setting in the plugin that made it work natively with lemmy?
[Bug]: wordpress blog not being fetched · Issue #5147 · LemmyNet/lemmy
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